
Journal Entry – April 13, 2024

Today was one of those quieter days, filled more with thoughts than actions. I didn’t accomplish much of what I’d planned, finding myself lost in the nostalgia of Power Rangers Season 1, particularly the “Green with Evil” arc. It’s been years since I watched it as a kid, and it brought back a flood of memories.

I’ve been trying to reconnect with Power Rangers and other hobbies after parting ways with my ex-best friend. We used to share these interests, and without her, it initially felt hollow. But, as I watched the episodes, a realization dawned on me—I need to move forward, even if it means enjoying these moments solo.

One hobby I’ve particularly missed is playing Gloomhaven. The game now gathers dust, a reminder of times when getting her involved became increasingly difficult. She never prepared outside our sessions and often wasn’t in the best state to play. She painted many miniatures for the game, which now bring a bittersweet smile to my face. Despite the sadness, I’m gearing up to resume the adventure on my own.

In my surge of reclaiming hobbies, I’m also laying the groundwork for a Power Rangers RPG. This means delving deep into the comics and catching up on countless Power Rangers seasons and related tokusatsu shows like Super Sentai and Kamen Rider. My goal is to immerse myself fully, transforming into a true tokusatsu aficionado.

Another project that’s been on my mind is revamping my website, originally conceived as a travel and photography blog with my ex. Although it’s challenging without her companionship, I’m determined to continue taking photographs and even plan to create a wiki-like section dedicated to our past projects and dreams.

Reflecting on our partnership, I’ve realized that I was often the driving force behind our endeavors. Knowing this, I’m empowered to pursue our dreams on my own, embracing the solo journey ahead with a renewed spirit. It’s clear now more than ever—I can and will go full steam ahead, alone if necessary, to live out the dreams we once shared.