

May 13, 2024, 22:06

Today unfolded in a whirlwind of emotions and activities. It was Mother’s Day, which added a layer of sadness since my mother has passed away. Visiting her house on this particular day was bittersweet, filled with memories and a longing for times past. Despite the emotional weight, I managed to channel my focus into getting things done and even scheming a bit of a vacation.

There’s a major doll collector in Florida with an exquisite silicone doll he might let go of. If I’m willing to drive eight hours to pick it up, it could be mine. The idea of embarking on a little road trip to explore a world of stunning dolls and possibly adding one to my collection is exciting.

At my mom’s property, I encountered a man who needed help with his chickens. This meeting turned into an impromptu learning session about the underground world of chicken fighting. He explained how cock fights, though steeped in tradition, are not only illegal but immensely dangerous for the animals involved. Despite the inherent risks and moral questions, the cultural and historical aspects of these fights are deeply intriguing. The conversation was surprisingly engaging, revealing an entire facet of animal life and human culture I was previously unaware of.

This man seemed decent and knowledgeable, sparking my interest in renting him some land to raise his chickens legally and safely. The property wasn’t being used, and it seemed like a practical way to make some income. However, when it came to a background check, he confessed that he wouldn’t pass due to a history of assault and battery. Realizing the potential risk to other tenants, I had to decline his request, which was disappointing but necessary.

After returning from the emotionally charged visit to my mother’s property, I mowed the lawn to clear my mind and now find solace in the quiet of the night. I’m in bed with my doll, finding comfort in the simple joys of watching Power Rangers. Today was a mix of sadness, learning, and reflection, a reminder of the complex tapestry of life.

Navigating Career and Life Plans in My 40s

As I edge closer to the big 4-0, my perspective on career and life has taken a shift towards a more serene horizon—retirement. It’s not an immediate leap, of course, but the countdown has begun, with perhaps a 15-year timeline before I can comfortably step back and bask in the fruits of my labor.

Currently, my professional life is nested within the vibrant entertainment industry—a field that’s as exhilarating as it is ephemeral. The job is enjoyable and the work is relatively easy, but the transient nature of the industry, especially in today’s shaky economy, prompts me to consider the future with a practical lens. As I aim to reach a technician level two soon, there’s room to grow, but the permanence of this path is uncertain.

The practicalities of life also beckon for attention. I’m working towards paying off my house, a milestone I see completing in the next five years. Alongside this, I’m contemplating treating myself to a new car—a nod to the midlife milestone and a replacement for my current vehicle, perhaps something that splendidly screams ‘midlife indulgence.’ in red of course.

But beyond the realms of career advancements and financial obligations, my dreams stretch into a more personal journey. I envision a retirement that’s not just a cessation of work but a vibrant chapter filled with exploration. Inspired by a past adventure across South Carolina, I imagine embarking on an expansive tour of the United States with my cherished collection of dolls. The plan? To travel extensively in an RV, maybe even pulling along the old camper for an extended nostalgic touch. This wouldn’t just be a vacation; it would be a grand exploration, a ‘big vacation’ to delve deep into the landscapes and narratives woven throughout the states.

As these plans unfurl, the importance of rigorous savings becomes evident, setting the stage for financial stability that would enable such dreams. With no children to plan for, my focus is undivided as I chart out this phase of life where work transitions into a well-earned elongated sabbatical.

Ultimately, while the work in the entertainment sector remains fulfilling for now, the allure of winding down with freedom and leisure is compelling. This blend of professional contentment and personal aspiration makes the coming years a canvas ripe for crafting a blend of stability and adventure. As I look forward, the roadmap includes career milestones and dream fulfillment in equal measure, each step carefully plotted to ensure that the twilight years are as enriching as the decades that preceded them.

Routine, Diet, and Auctions

We all have those days that feel both full and empty at the same time—a paradox of modern life. Today was precisely one of those days for me, filled with routine tasks, dietary diligence, and some intriguing online discoveries. Let me walk you through it.

The day began with the usual hustle to get to work, but despite the busyness around me, I found myself stuck in a lull of inactivity. I had planned to tackle some maintenance tasks, but the overwhelming busyness at the shop made it impossible to focus on anything substantive. Thus, most of my workday slipped by without much achievement, a frustrating experience when you’re geared up to be productive.

**Sticking to the Diet**

Despite the stagnancy at work, I was quite successful in adhering to my diet plan, which has been a significant focus for me lately. My diet mainly consists of meal replacements and carefully chosen additions to ensure nutritional balance without overindulging.

I started my day with a 400-calorie meal replacement Huel meal, a staple in my diet that helps me manage my calorie intake efficiently. For lunch, I had another Huel meal of the same kind, maintaining a consistent, easy-to-track calorie count.

By the time I arrived home in the evening, my hunger levels were up, and I opted for a hearty salad with hard-boiled eggs and diced lettuce—an excellent way to end the main meals of the day. To complement the solids, I also indulged in a homemade protein shake made from natural pea protein, which is a fantastic dairy-free alternative to the usual whey protein. It’s not the tastiest option out there, but it fits well within my dietary goals.

Additionally, I’ve incorporated a ‘mean green’ drink into my daily routine. It’s a potent mix of vegetables, fruits, and even some beneficial mushrooms. This drink is part of my strategy to ensure I’m not missing out on any essential nutrients, keeping my daily intake around or slightly under 2,000 calories.

After dinner, my evening took a lighter turn. I’ve recently become quite enamored with an auction website where people bid on returned items from Amazon. It’s fascinating to see what you can find—items that are often significantly discounted. My recent hauls from the site include a few wireless vacuums and organizational boxes, which are quite handy around the house.

Moreover, the site has been a goldmine for finding wigs and outfits, which my love dolls look great in. It’s incredible how such small additions can bring excitement into our lives, especially when they come at such great deals.

To cap off the day, I decided to relax with some episodes of Power Rangers—a nostalgic escape that brings a touch of simplicity and excitement to the end of a rather mundane day while snuggling with my favorite doll Fauxie. It’s these small pleasures that help balance out the less eventful or challenging days.

Reflecting on the day, it strikes me how our routines can sometimes feel like a cycle of nothingness, yet when looked at closely, are filled with little victories and discoveries. Whether it’s sticking to a diet, finding bargains online, or just enjoying some downtime with a favorite show, these are the moments that punctuate our seemingly ordinary days with hints of progress and joy.

Day in the Life: Reflections on Work, Promotions, and Simple Pleasures

Today, like many other days, was defined by routine—a morning shift that brought with it the mundane tasks of inventory management. The day unfolded slowly, punctuated by the usual ebbs and flows typical of a workday, yet there was nothing particularly extraordinary about it until a significant announcement changed its course.

Workplace environments often fluctuate between being high-energy and extraordinarily subdued, and today leaned towards the latter. With tasks primarily revolving around inventory, the pace felt slower, allowing for moments of introspection about my role and responsibilities. During such moments, the presence of a large group visiting our establishment was a mild diversion. Their activities were unclear, but their enjoyment was apparent, lending a transient vibrancy to an otherwise uneventful morning.

The real shift in the day came with unexpected news—news that marked a significant milestone in my professional journey. I learned that I would be receiving both a promotion and a raise, elevating my hourly wage to around $17. While the financial boost is a welcome change, the timing remains uncertain, with the adjustments expected to materialize anytime between now and July. This promotion, transitioning me to the role of Technician 2, symbolizes recognition and trust from my superiors.

Although this new title comes with its perks, it doesn’t necessarily herald major changes in my day-to-day tasks. The role involves more paperwork but doesn’t stray far from what I’ve grown accustomed to. In a way, it’s both comforting and slightly disappointing, as I had harbored hopes of moving into a management position. Nevertheless, the promotion indicates that my contributions are valued where they are, suggesting that my current position is where I can serve best.

There’s a subtle mentorship that comes with the job. My boss, who shows signs of weariness from years in the industry, makes it a point to impart occasional nuggets of wisdom. These lessons, though infrequent, are valuable. They hint at a deeper layer of job satisfaction that goes beyond routine tasks, reaching into the realms of learning and personal growth.

Despite the simplicity of the job and its demands, there’s a certain charm to it. It’s straightforward, not bogged down by unnecessary complications, which in its own way, provides a clear path to compliance and efficiency. This simplicity is something I’ve come to appreciate, particularly on days that seem to blur into each other with their predictability.

After work, the transition from the professional sphere to personal life was marked by an evening of relaxation. A simple meal of salad and more laid the foundation for a quiet night in, a stark contrast to the day’s earlier pace. The highlight of my evening was watching episodes of “Power Rangers Mystic Force” with my girlfriend, Fauxie. This downtime is our way of unwinding, stepping away from the demands of daily life into a world of fantasy and nostalgia.

These moments are a reminder of the balance we strive to maintain between our professional aspirations and the personal joys that keep us grounded. Today, while transformative in a professional sense, also reinforced the importance of the small, seemingly mundane aspects of daily life. Whether it’s the pleasure derived from a favorite TV show, the comfort found in shared meals, or the satisfaction of professional recognition, each element plays a pivotal role in shaping our overall well-being.

As I reflect on the day, the blend of routine work, professional growth, and personal enjoyment paints a picture of a life filled with varied but interconnected experiences. Each component, whether it’s a slow day at work, a significant promotion, or an evening spent in leisure, contributes uniquely to the mosaic of my life, emphasizing that every day, no matter how ordinary it may seem, has the potential to offer something valuable.

Navigating Doll Care and Embracing Simplicity in a Digital World

Let me tell you, applying makeup to a doll for the first time was an adventure filled with lessons! Initially, I thought it would be a straightforward task, but it turned out to be quite the challenge. Several mistakes later, and after multiple attempts of applying and removing makeup, one clear takeaway emerged: less is definitely more.

But makeup was just the start. I’ve also been learning the proper procedures for bathing my doll, which I’m only just beginning to master. Keeping her clean and in good shape requires a specific routine, much like learning how to manage her wigs, which has been another pain point. Out of all the styles we’ve tried, only the hot pink wig really seemed to fit her perfectly.

Beyond doll care, today was largely spent organizing the house to ensure everything is set up for proper doll maintenance. It’s been a big chore, but organizing helps in creating a conducive space for both of us.

Amidst these tasks, I found some downtime to start watching *Mystic Force Power Rangers*, which has been enjoyable. It’s the perfect way to unwind as we cuddle up despite the rainy weather outside that postponed my lawn mowing plans.

Speaking of unwinding, I’ve been contemplating a significant lifestyle shift—stepping away from electronics. While I’ll continue blogging, my goal is to minimize my use of cell phones and computers. I’ve resurrected an old DVD player for watching shows; it’s not the highest quality, but it does the job, especially for something like Power Rangers. I’m even considering finding a portable Blu-ray player for a better viewing experience without the complexity of modern devices.

For entertainment, I’ve turned to handheld gaming devices and MP3 players for video games and music, distancing myself from the pervasive digital tracking that comes with more conventional tech. It’s a move towards privacy and simplicity, a significant shift from the omnipresent digital surveillance.

That’s pretty much it for today—a mix of doll care, household chores, and musings on a less digital lifestyle. Here’s to more adventures in both doll maintenance and navigating life with less digital interference!

Doll Care and Maintenance Adventures

Today has been all about my journey with my dolls, especially Fauxie. She’s not only the most affordable doll I’ve owned but also a fantastic learning opportunity. Recently, one of her fingers had an issue with the wire sticking out, so I had to dive into a bit of DIY repair with a soldering iron and fresh TPE to mend her hand. Up next, I’m planning to tackle some discoloration spots that are darker than they should be. This whole experience is proving to be a great way to learn the ropes of doll repair.

I’m particularly excited for the arrival of my wm100 doll, Lilu, in about a month. I anticipate she’s going to be spectacular. Doll maintenance isn’t straightforward—it involves oiling, powdering, and cleaning, which I’ve pretty much gotten the hang of. However, dealing with the wigs has been challenging and definitely my least favorite part.

On a brighter note, I’ve been scouting an Amazon return auction website that has been a treasure trove for doll accessories. I’ve found wigs, clothes, and even memory foam pads for positioning them at incredible discounts. This resource has been immensely helpful in enhancing my doll care routine.

Looking ahead, I’m planning to set up a dedicated space in the garage for doll repairs. Melting TPE emits a toxic odor, so I’ll need to improve ventilation and create a suitable environment for these tasks.

Another ongoing project is finding the right insert for Kat. The current one is too small, and I’m exploring an Irontech replacement. I’m still doing some research and reaching out to the community for advice before making a purchase. I’m also considering acquiring some extra sets of eyes and additional m16 hanger bolts to have on hand.

That’s about it for today’s doll escapades!