
Clemson Experimental Forest


Embarking on a solo hiking expedition today marked a poignant realization of solitude. Despite my earnest pleas for my companion to join me, the camaraderie we once shared exploring diverse places around the state and beyond now feels like a distant memory. Our past adventures, filled with awe-inspiring moments, created a bond that few people are fortunate to experience. Yet, here I am, beseeching them to accompany me on a mere hour-long walk, only to face the cold reality of rejection.

The first part of the hike had a path wide enough for a car.

Undeterred, I set out alone, guided by the comprehensive AllTrails app. Initially traversing a seemingly nondescript dirt road, I questioned the presence of an actual trail. The passage of families accentuated my isolation, and reflections on the slim likelihood of having a family of my own added a bitter tinge to the experience. Internet references indicated this land’s past as farmland a century ago, with traces potentially submerged by the creation of the Hartwell dam? The mention of a WPA-built dam in the 1930s sparked contemplation on the transformative impact of government initiatives during the Great Depression, shaping the very landscapes I now wander. Yet I did not find the dam shown in the photos online.


Transitioning from the road to a biking path, I cautiously navigated, wary of an impending cyclist. For if I let my guard down I knew I’d be roadkill. The app led me to a sign in the forest, marking the site of ancient farm homes. Although only rocks and mounds remained, the ability to discern historical habitation through tree species fascinated me, for this sign spoke of just that. That the farmers had shaped the landscape a century ago, by intentionally planting trees that do not naturally grow in this area. A glimmer of a lake in the distance prompted a detour. contemplating the absence of my once inseparable companion against the serene backdrop of the lake was quite depressing, to say the least. I don’t know how long I sat there but It seemed like there wasn’t anyone around for miles and miles.


Deepening into the forest, the scarcity of fellow hikers puzzled me, given the initial crowded parking area. Perhaps, I pondered, others explored more challenging, multi-day trails. Thoughts of undertaking such expeditions ignited a spark of aspiration within me. Along the lakeside trail, diverse bird species teased my simple camera, revealing a missed opportunity without a zoom lens.


Encountering the remnants of an ancient car heightened the mystique of the forest’s origins, prompting contemplation on the possibility of its deliberate creation. How did it get here? I wondered if this was in fact a bumper to some ancient car from nearly a hundred years past. A chance encounter with joggers disrupted my solitude, emphasizing the unexpected blend of isolation and shared space within the forest and shaking me out of my thoughts and inspection of this odd metal piece sitting way out here.


Approaching dilapidated camping areas, I envisioned the allure of camping amidst such natural beauty. I had never camped anywhere other than actual campgrounds in the past. It would be fun and exciting to stay on a trial perhaps, not to mention more challenging as well. The sun’s descent signaled my return, having covered nearly five miles, a considerable achievement after a hiatus from longer hikes for many years now. Determined to maintain a moderate difficulty and distance regimen, I have begun plans for future explorations of state parks and historic locales in the near future.


As the wind whispered through the swaying trees, providing a comforting melody, I found solace in the solitude and the soothing sounds of nature. Despite the emotional turmoil stemming from the treatment received from a once cherished companion, the rhythm of the forest offered a balm for my wounded spirit. I was quite glad I had come as I got back into my car to head home.

Love Letters Across War’s Horizon

In the small town just outside of Waterloo, where time seemed to move a bit slower, I stumbled upon an abandoned house that held secrets waiting to be uncovered. Dust-covered and filled with a sense of forgotten history, the creaking floorboards whispered tales of lives once lived within those walls.

As I explored the decaying rooms, my attention was drawn to a closet hidden in a corner, seemingly untouched by the ravages of time. Among the discarded relics, I discovered a bundle of letters carefully tucked away. Eager curiosity gripped me as I delicately unfolded the aged paper, revealing the intimate musings of a bygone era.

The letters told the poignant story of Ruth, a young girl with dreams as vast as the South Pacific Ocean, where her heart wandered alongside the words of a distant love named Sergeant Glenn D. Evans. Their connection blossomed through the art of letter writing, each missive carrying a piece of their souls across the miles that separated them.


Ruth, a small-town girl with a heart as big as the dreams she dared to dream, found solace in the ink-stained pages of her letters to Glenn. Every Wednesday, she poured her hopes, dreams, and the minutiae of her life onto paper, while Glenn, stationed far away, responded with images of the South Pacific, offering her a glimpse into a world she could only imagine.

The epistolary dance between Ruth and Glenn unfolded against the backdrop of a world engulfed in the chaos of the Nineteen Forties. Ruth, just sixteen, embarked on a journey of love and connection that transcended the boundaries of time and space. In her innocent conviction, she saw a future with Glenn, envisioning marriage by the time she reached her senior year.


The catalyst for their correspondence was Ruth’s older brother, Everett, who, having formed a bond with Glenn in the 148th Infantry, saw an opportunity for his sister to find a connection amidst the tumult of war. Ruth, trusting her brother’s judgment, embraced the art of letter writing as a lifeline to a love that seemed to defy the harsh realities of their world.

Yet, tragedy struck in the form of The Battle of Leyte, altering the course of their intertwined fates. The letters chronicled the heart-wrenching news of Glenn’s disappearance, leaving Ruth to grapple with the pain of uncertainty. Everett, too, met his fate in that battle, his body recovered but Glenn’s fate remaining a haunting mystery.


Ruth, consumed by grief at the loss of her brother, clung to the belief that Glenn would return, weaving a tapestry of love and longing that spanned four decades. The small-town girl who once couldn’t come to terms with reality now lived in a perpetual state of hope, waiting for the day when Sergeant Glenn D. Evans would walk through the door, his love enduring across the vast expanse of time and war.

Angel Oak Tree

During my recent journey through Charleston, SC, I seized the opportunity to visit the renowned Angel Oak Tree situated on Johns Island, adjacent to the big wide open ocean. The endeavor, however, was not without its challenges, as accessing this captivating location proved to be a somewhat intricate feat. The site, frequented by a substantial number of visitors during my visit, presented difficulties in capturing pristine photographs of the tree amidst the bustling crowd. Despite the crowded conditions, I devoted a brief period to documenting this extraordinary specimen through my lens.

Angel Oak 1

While my time at the Angel Oak was somewhat curtailed due to the congestion, the tree’s sheer peculiarity and age, estimated at around 500 years, left an indelible impression. Intriguingly, the tree receives artificial assistance from the town to sustain its vitality and prevent limb breakage. The sprawling limbs, reminiscent of octopus appendages extending in every direction, contribute to the tree’s distinct allure.

Angel Oak Tree 2

What struck me as particularly noteworthy was the resilience exhibited by the Angel Oak, surviving with human intervention despite a tumultuous encounter with a hurricane in the 1980s. The tree, having evolved into a local icon, inspires an array of artistic expressions, from jewelry to paintings. During my visit, I engaged in conversation with a dedicated artist creating a painting of the tree, revealing the economic viability of capturing its likeness repeatedly.

Angel Oak Tree 3

After meticulously documenting the Angel Oak, I set forth towards my next destination, cherishing the unique experience. While I harbor the desire to revisit this captivating tree, a lesson learned prompts me to consider an early arrival to secure an optimal vantage point and evade the challenges posed by fellow tourists.

Angel Oak Tree 4

A slight disappointment emerged upon discovering that the tree’s nomenclature doesn’t draw from celestial origins, but rather from a historical figure, presumably the original landowner with the surname Angel. Despite the lack of embellished folklore, the Angel Oak’s singularity and the absence of an extensive backstory do not diminish its inherent intrigue. Nature’s propensity for the extraordinary continues to unveil itself, and the state of South Carolina, with its myriad wonders, promises a perpetual reservoir of captivating explorations.

Angel Oak Tree 5

Until the next adventure unfolds!

Checking out the Belton Standpipe

Approaching the charming town of Belton, South Carolina, the historic Belton Standpipe dominated the skyline, standing proudly at 155 feet and making it kind of hard to miss in such a otherwise plain rural town. I have always been curious about the origins of the concrete water tower and the mysteries it contains. There really is nothing else like it around or so I thought anyway. (Apparently there are two more standpipes in South Carolina. One is in Allendale and the other is in Walterboro.


I definitely have always marveled at the tower’s architectural beauty. Mainly because of the fact that it looks so similar to a part of a castle or a chess piece. It is a testament to the early use of reinforced concrete in water storage facilities and I find it very sad more of these unusual designs do not exist.

The town’s warmth enveloped you as you learned that construction began in 1908, and by 1909, the Belton Waterworks Tower, as it was initially known, graced the landscape. It was fascinating to imagine the town’s transformation and reliance on this towering structure over the decades.


Listed in the National Register of Historic Places in 1987, the Belton Standpipe stood as a symbol of resilience. The renovation that took place between 1989 and 1991 breathed new life into the tower, preserving its historical importance for generations to come.

I started reading up on the tower only to discover a lot of the castle like look of the water tower is mostly just a facade. For one thing no stairs exist on the inside of the tower at all. Instead there is a 10 inch pipe that carries an impressive 165,000 gallons of water from the top to the citizens of Belton. I couldn’t help but appreciate the engineering marvel even after realizing that most of its look was just as much aesthetic as anything else. Even the fake windows and stacked stone look arent real, just appearance.


As the sun set, casting a warm glow over Belton, I couldn’t help but really appreciate this unique landmark feel the Belton Standpipe which has silently watched over the town as it has grown. If you happen to be near Belton SC in Anderson county make sure to take a look.

Our first date in Chesterfield

Sat,Nov 18th, 2017


Driving down to meet a girl off the internet named Meepcow. We have been chatting on the internet now for a couple of months. I’ve been really afraid to meet her. It’s over 150 miles to where we agreed to meet in the city of Chesterfield. I get there and there is no sign of her. Maybe she isn’t going to come. I mean why would she? I’m sure I should just go. There’s no reason to stay here when a girl as pretty as the one I saw in the pictures would want to do something as lame as drive around with a stranger and take pictures of old buildings. Right when I’m about to go someone pulls up on Main Street and parks right beside where my car is at. I’m stuck now. What do I do? How can I escape? I think to hide and begin to tuck myself behind a bush when she starts to look in my direction and I come forward and say hello. She is so pretty. I am not sure what else to do so I immediately start talking about our plans to go take pictures around the area and try not to stare at her. The town itself was nothing special and most of the stuff around here wasn’t much for me to see since I had grown up in a town that looked just like this one. They were all the same really, a small southern town with small brick downtowns and a handful of nice churches, a Mill Hill, and some railroad tracks. It always struck me how sad and abandoned these towns seem. I didn’t see a lot of reason to stick around and focus on the town itself but I did snap some photos before we set out on our first adventure together. 


She gets in the car with me even though she doesn’t know the first thing about who I am and we travel to Woodward Mill. We had both been a fan of a Facebook group about Photography and wanted to go see SC for ourselves. Woodward mill was a grist mill used to grind corn. We have just been chatting so far and she hasn’t shown any real signs that she might like me. Which is fine. I am still very nervous and not sure what I should do. She is even more beautiful than the pictures I saw online. There is no way she could be into me. I’m fat and not very attractive. I am sure we will just have a casual fun time and that is all it ever will be. I needed to get out and try to see the world a little bit and I’m grateful I found someone to go with me for a day. To be honest I’m just glad to see that she’s a woman and not someone completely different than the pictures she sent me. She seemed to like talking to me online so maybe there is some chance she is into me. But of course, now I’m really in a pickle because she has no clue that I lied about myself and who I am online to her. Woodward was very picturesque even though the chemtrails were all over the sky that day otherwise was perfect in November. The weather was nice and not too hot or cold. A great day to be outside. The area of Woodward Mill was actually on private property. I of course convinced her that it was fine and we spent a good amount of time beside the pond and grist mill. It was a perfect place for a picnic and I made a mental note that we should come back here sometime. It even has like a little dam made by the mill and a swimming hole. Of course, I’d probably want to get permission next time before I sat out a picnic on private property. 


It’s still in the AM. I had arrived in the town right after sunrise. I had been wanting to meet her and I must have gotten up at like 3-4 am to make it down in time. We had made really good time and was very professional so far. I had mapped out a plan of places that we could photograph for the day. I wanted to try and get as many as we could because I wasn’t sure how many more times I would come out to this area of the state. I was heavily inspired at the time to try and make my Photography blog and become a travel photographer for fun if nothing else. The next place on our journey led us to Mcbee Library which was a repurposed historical train depot for the area many years before. It was around this point I started to try and take a little more interest in Theresa and took a few playful pictures of her so that I could remember our day together forever. I knew in my heart that she wouldn’t want to be with me and if she really knew me she would be very angry I even convinced her to come out with me in the first place. So I just wanted to make the most of our time together and enjoy the company of such a pretty girl. I snapped pictures of the depot but mostly focussed on her because on the way into town, I had already seen this depot and stopped for a moment to get a few pictures anyway and to be honest I had just as much interest in getting to be beside a pretty girl as I did any old buildings or how well I could take pictures of them. 


This pretty girl however really thought I was a real photographer I think which I thought was pretty cute. I mean what is a “real” photographer anyway I guess. I did find that adorable that she seemed to want to learn how to take pictures from me someone who just watched a few YouTube videos and hadn’t been taking pictures for a couple of months with any real zeal at all. I don’t know if she was also really just looking for a good time and photography was just a cover for her or what. Lots of the time it seems like that’s how most stuff is in life. Few people ever really are into the hobbies for the hobby itself. How of the time it just seems like a good excuse for a hookup these days.  Mcbee Depot was pretty normal in every way and exactly like every other depot from any other town around here. This girl though had never apparently seen a depot or understood what they were used for. I thought that was cute and we took lots of pictures of the little train car that they had on display and the railroad tracks too. 


After that, we went by an old school that I guess burned down years ago. There wasn’t a whole lot left of the place and I was a little disappointed. Online it looked like there was still enough rubble and stuff to make for a pretty awesome photograph. I did see an old furnace and figured I’d see if I could make a photo out of that. This cute little girl decides to climb down into the rubble to try and take a picture the way that i am and while the pictures didn’t turn out special in anyway at all something really special in my life did happen right here. After I climbed back out of the loose bricks and remaining building rubble I turned around and offered my hand to her to help her out and make sure she didn’t fall. This was the very first time I got to touch this beautiful girl. My hand touched her hand and she seemed like she wasn’t disgusted by me at all. She wasn’t even that stand offish or reluctant. I mean after all here she was in the middle of nowhere now at some abandoned place with no idea who I really am and she let me touch her. But maybe I’m just reading too much into it. I mean she didn’t want to fall after all right? As we were about to leave I noticed a old wood building off to the side near the woods. I didnt’ really remember reading about this place online so I wasn’t sure what it was. We went over towards it and noticed it was the schools old gym. I found it hard to believe that the school made of brick had burned but this totally wood gymnasium was still standing. We played around inside of it and took some pretty fun pictures that really made coming to this area worthwhile. This place was called Angelus or something like that and from that day on I always thought it was a fitting name. Angel + us. Because this girl was definitely a angel and the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. I thought maybe just maybe I should see if she really did like me. 


As we drove through an area called Patrick I noticed some very unusual trees or shrubs? They were all turning yellow and orange and looked very pretty. The entire area was perfect for taking a picture I thought so we stopped and snapped a few more photos of this area as well. I had never really seen the ground in South Carolina made out of white sand like dirt. I didn’t know it then but overtime I came to realize several things about this area that I had never known about South Carolina. First off  the state grows more peaches than even the peach state and those trees were peach trees. I felt kind of silly for not knowing that. But really I hadn’t spent much time really paying attention to the state at all. This was probably the first time in my life I realized there was a lot to this state I didnt’ know about. The other thing I didn’t know was that the sand was actually sand. That South carolina has a giant sand hill area where the ocean used to reach all the way up to this area of the state and this in fact was once all beachside. That all really blew my mind where I started to realize it and my fascination with wanting to learn more about the state started to grow a great deal. I also was very energized by the company of my companion who was perfect in every way. We continued through Patrick and snapped a few pictures of the town. It was really nice and I think we got a few good photos.


I remember here is around when we found a county work road. One of those forestry roads that are only supposed to be used by the county to maintain the forest and area. I decided it would be fun to go down one of them a little ways and we did. We got out of the car and took pictures of the woods and this is where I first had the desire to try and kiss her. I tried to muster up the energy and she seemed like she might really like me and was flirting with me too. Of course I just couldn’t go at it like that. What if she turned me down? Especially here so far from her car and out in the middle of no where. I really didn’t want to think of the ride back or the humiliation that would be for me. Not to mention the fear she might have thinking I was going to try and force myself on her out here. So I decided to just get back in the car and leave to continue on our little adventure around the county. 


On the way out though and to our next destination I finally decided I would try to test the waters so to speak and see if she was into me. I finally after a lot of thinking and hesitation decided I would ask her if she wanted to hold my hand while we drove around. To my surprise she did and we held hands as we drove down the road. I thought I was the happiest I had ever been in my entire life and nothing could ever beat the feeling of touching her hand. We were holding hands. So does that mean like this might be a real date? I hadn’t been on a actual real date in many years. I really hadn’t had a date like this ever in my entire life. This was getting really exciting and intense fast. The day was starting to get away from us and I thought I would try to make it a official date and buy her something to eat. We found a nice mexican restaurant and sat down to a meal and made small talk as we ate. I could tell now though from the way she smiled and how she looked at me that she was actually really wanting me. Like maybe really wanting me. Who knows how far things could go. Maybe she would actually want to kiss me. Maybe more. I hadn’t really thought this through this far and wasn’t sure how to proceed. I was going into a really dangerous area that if I kept going down would lead to a lot of heartache and anger. This would make me a really terrible person if I kept going, but she really was into me I thought and she might really want to be with me.


Next up was the last place on our list of places to visit for this trip. The town of Cheraw. This was probably the nicest town of all the ones we saw that day. It had a really nice park and some weird statue of a guy playing a trumpet that was just hilarious. There was this one really old building called the Lyceum that was very cool and probably the most historic spot we visited the during our entire trip. It was built in the 1800s and was used as a court or something like that. We walked in the park and had a good time but by now my mind was racing on what I should do. I really wanted to be with her and I really hope she wanted to be with me. It wasn’t long before we were heading back to where we started our trip and back to her car. It was still daylight and it was just starting to show signs of being evening. I wanted to spend all the time in the world with her and I just couldn’t quite say goodbye. I wasn’t going to push my luck. She was way out of my league and it was good enough I got to hold her hand. Still, I just didn’t want to say goodbye. So we went to the park across the street from where we parked. I remember it had a very long ramp for wheelchairs which seemed new and out of place compared to how rundown the rest of the part was. We walked around the park and finally I looked at her and she was looking at me smiling and wanting me. So we kissed. It was just a very basic kiss. Nothing X rated, but for me it was the most sensual and wonderful kiss of my life. Her lips were much thinner than mine but it really turned me on to kiss her and look at her. She was so perfect. But it was only here that I realized i had gone to far and that I needed to leave before I tried to take things any further. Not only were things moving far faster than I had ever imagined but I also was desiring her even more than I could have thought. Sure her pictures were beautiful and I wanted her but this was intoxicating. This was the first signs that I was falling in love with her. 


We parted ways as the sun was going down. We both had long drives back to where we lived on opposite sides of the state. There would be a lot to think about. Would it be ok if we just kept doing this? I mean it was the best experience of my life and I really couldn’t get enough. I already was hooked in and wanted to see her as soon as possible. Still as we drove away and parted I figured this was probably going to be a one and done type of experience. She probably had lots of guys and I doubt she even had much fun with me anyway. Why would she want to keep going around with some fat old guy like me taking pictures of historical crap? I’m sure she was just bored and being nice. I better get back home and go through my pictures.
