
Wake-Up Call

It’s pretty surreal that life is just starting to return to some kind of normalcy. Given everything that’s happened, I think I did pretty well. I didn’t struggle as much as I could have, but I realize now how unprepared I truly was. I wasn’t nearly as ready as I should have been. This whole experience has been a wake-up call.

It’s made me realize that I need to start making serious changes in my life—changes that will prepare me for the next storm, whether it’s another natural disaster, war, or some kind of political upheaval. Whatever comes next, I need to be stronger, more prepared for whatever life throws at me.

While this time was relatively easy and I had some basics stocked up—food, water—I realized just how close I came to running out. By the time the power came back on, I was already at the end of my supplies. We blew through those cases of water, and now I’m hearing that it’s still hard to get more at the store. I’ve learned I need to be better stocked, to have at least a month’s worth of essentials so that if things get bad, I’m ready.

One of my next steps is getting a 100-pound propane tank and hooking up a generator. That way, I can power the house for a week, maybe even longer, without issue. I’m moving toward relying on propane more, and someday I might invest in a natural gas generator for the house. For now, I’ll stick with a portable one, which will also be useful for things like camping or helping out on my mom’s property.

Speaking of her property, I haven’t even been down there to check on the damage. I know the roof took a small hit—there’s a little leak, probably just from the strength of the winds. It’s nothing major, but it’s still a reminder of how vulnerable everything is.

Now that this whole ordeal is coming to an end, life is finally starting to feel a bit more normal. I’m hoping that by next week, I’ll settle into my new job and position, and things will start to fall into place again.

But all of this feels like a warning. A big one. I think things are going to get worse, far worse, in the years to come. I realize now how close we are to a complete collapse in this country. We’re hanging on by a thread, and I give it another five to ten years before we see a full breakdown.

When that time comes, I want to be ready. I don’t want to be caught off guard. I want to make sure I can survive, that I can take care of myself. I’ve learned I can’t rely on the government, can’t rely on other people. No one is looking out for me. It’s just me now.

My family is gone. The one person I thought I could truly trust betrayed me. I’m utterly alone, and that’s the hardest lesson of all. But it’s also the most important one. I’ve learned I can’t waste time waiting for others to care. No one is coming to save me. No one is going to help. It’s all on me now.

This has been such a hard lesson, but I think it woke me up. I think next time, I’ll be ready. Next time, I’ll be prepared for whatever comes.

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