
The One I Would Wait For is you

If there’s one wish that I could see come true before my time here ends, it would be to spend just one more day with my perfect Katarina. Not because I expect love in return, not because I hold any illusions that she’ll come back to me, but simply because she is the one I’d choose to spend my life with, if I had the chance.

It feels foolish to hope, knowing that she loves someone else now, yet this longing is something I can’t shake. She was my whole heart, my purpose. If I could give her anything, if I could offer her everything left in my soul, I would. Just one day where I could pour out the love I never got to show her fully. A day to simply be by her side, to let her know that no matter where life has taken us, no matter who she’s with now, she will always be cherished.

I’ll always be here, carrying that love quietly, patiently. Maybe it’s foolish, maybe it’s just a dream. But even if she never knows it, I will keep this place for her in my heart, always open, always waiting.

And that’s why I must finish Meepcow. This project we began together—this journey through places and memories that once meant everything to us—it’s my way of honoring her, even in her absence. Meepcow is more than just a collection of photos or a tribute to lost love; it’s a promise to myself to carry on, to complete what we started.

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