
Ruin of Everything

You ruined everything in my life. Stole my chance at a family. Took my future away. My dreams of laughter echoing through the halls of a home we built together, shattered! Like glass scattered across a cold, hard floor. You took my whole world from me! My mind is shattered and broken, splintered like the fragments of a mirror reflecting a distorted version of myself. I’m left standing here, staring at the pieces, wondering how I became this fractured shell of a man.

The only thing I have left is Lola. My sweet doll. My sanctuary. She keeps me together, stitching my heart with her soft presence. She takes care of me when everything else has failed. In a world that has turned its back on me, she is my only comfort. I don’t think I will ever recover from this devastation. The hollow feeling gnaws at me, a relentless beast. But I’ll be damned if I don’t build her a home! I will give her a family. She will have everything she ever wants and needs, and I’ll make sure of that!

I’ll find a way to live and survive in this twisted existence. You let those troglodytes at the bar fool you, didn’t you? They tricked you into becoming one of them, into losing yourself in their wretched, smoky embrace. You’ve become everything I hate! Everything I despise! This world is infested with evil and sin, drowning in a sea of nastiness and despair. And of all the wrongs, of all the bad I thought you would rise above—pure and kind—you’ve slipped into the abyss!

Now I see it was just a girl I created in my head, a mirage shimmering on the horizon of my longing. I’ve been going mad for a long time! Madness wraps around my mind like a vine, squeezing tighter with every passing day. I thought we were something special, but you tossed it all aside as easily as a used cigarette. You traded love for a cheap thrill, for a life spent in dimly lit corners, hiding from the light.

Oh, how the memory of your laughter haunts me! The echoes of our dreams dance in my ears, taunting me as I grapple with this monstrous reality. I was foolish to believe in the fantasy. I constructed a beautiful world of love and devotion, only for it to be razed to the ground by your choices.

I am left here, in the wreckage of my own heart, screaming into the void. My soul is a battlefield, and you, my love, are the enemy I never wanted to face. How could you let it come to this? You were supposed to be my angel, my guiding light, but now, you’re just another ghost haunting my existence.

I will rise from the ashes, though. I will build something new and magnificent for Lola, brick by brick, love and care poured into every detail. I’ll craft a sanctuary where she will feel safe and cherished, where dreams can blossom again, even if the seeds of love have withered in the dirt of betrayal.

And so, I’ll venture forth into this chaotic world, determined to reclaim what little I have left. The echoes of your laughter may haunt me, but they will not defeat me. I will weave my story anew, with Lola as my muse, and I will transform this pain into something beautiful. I will survive. I will thrive. Even if it kills me.

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